Sunday, October 27, 2013

What is wrong with society???!

Howdy folks!

Just got back from church (Praise!!!) and i'm inspired so i'm about to preach :). Side note: I envy writers cause of their creative minds and their ability to engage their readers....I on the other hand, am not a writer so when I get the slightest glitch to write, I do..Cause 2 hours down the line it'll be gone LOL.

We always look around us and see something wrong either with the world or what someone is doing. Its always just something that could be done better. And then we judge! A cousin of mine will always criticize/judge peoples actions whenever we were together and so one day I asked her "why do you always do that?" and her response to me was, "Someone out there is judging me too so i'm returning the favor." As funny as that answer was it did have a whole lot of truth to it. People talk about people. Its what people do. People will always judge people. Its what WE do. You know you've looked at someone and been like; "that shirt is not working"or seen someone at a position you wanted and you're like; "There's no way he got that over me fairly". To one person, 'twerking' is what is wrong with the world and to another processed food is. The answers vary over a very wide range.

I look at society and I see a lot of wrong especially with my generation (God help us). There's people who are definitely moving forward and being examples and others who well...just haven't figured out what it is they want to do with their lives. But the trouble is; when I look at society and when I look in the mirror I see the same thing. I am a part of this society. I participate in the wrong we have strongly made to look right. I look at others and wonder why they are doing that? or accuse some other person of something they have not done. Yet in the comfort of my room I do the exact same thing.

Now we were not created to judge the person next to us rather we were to created to STAND BY the person next to us, as an equal. We are humans and granted we shall be wrong 99.9% of the time until we get it right. But for pete's sake we ALL have a part in it. We all have eaten a piece of the national cake. The strategy is simple. If you want a clean car, you clean one. If you want a cake, you either buy it or bake it either way you get the cake. So too, if you want a good society, you build one. The change starts with YOU.

I always found this saying intriguing...

When you look beyond the words, you find the task a lot harder than it seems but this should be a challenge we should take.

So, What is wrong with society?
Answer: I AM.

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