Sunday, April 17, 2016


                                In order to be irreplaceable, 
                                            One must always be different- Coco Chanel

 It's very hard for us to see at times, but we are very different from each other. A difference we do not see until we are exposed to it. Until I packed up my bags and went to boarding school, I had no idea I was 'different'. To me, everyone talked the same, reacted the same etc. Like why would they be different from me? I'm awesome! *chuckles*. As soon as I got there, not even a year, I learnt I had a deeper voice than 'normal' (A difference I have grown to love), I found out I have some jumbo ears something which I later attributed to my dad. Hearing is on fleeeeek! Lol!  I learned people don't walk the same not because they're handicapped but because some people lean more on one foot than the other or lean forward and so on... You couldn't even hide that, our school sandals will tell any and every one the story. They definitely told me I had narrow feet with the smallest cutest toes Lol aka chinchin toes. Now the one I still hold against humanity. Our hair grows at different rates!!!!!!!!! I was 10 guys, bare with me. We had to have low cuts aka big chops but I noticed no matter how much pink oil (do people still use this? loved it) I used other peoples hair just grew faster right in front of my eyes. Till today, I will not tell you how many years I've been natural cause what I have achieved in years, my other natural chicas achieved in like 5 blinks. Amidst all that, I also learnt I am a people person! Something I later on banked on in school and life. I also learned I was organized with a dash of OCD. I still don't understand why people can't fold socks or underwear?? or just keep stuff organized. Completely blows my mind. Fast forward to college after meeting people from different regions, I was so convinced I was no where near normal. Like what is normal?

Long story short we are different in every aspect of the word! hot headed, cool headed, introverts and extroverts... pick your poison. And if we are that different to the eye- physically, imagine how much more different we are as people. Even my twins! We love each other so much but I swear we are so different it's not funny. From what we eat to guys we think are cute lol! Just opposites.

Your fave girl: Femme-et-noir
It's essential to look up to some one or people and want to achieve what they have but it's also important to remember that our strengths and tolerances are not the same. I'll make it as simple as this; for my ladies-  no matter how many hours you spend on your eyebrows, they're never going to look the same. The rule of thumb is to aim for sisters not twins Lol. As for those who walk around with cousins twice removed (Oyin I blame you for teaching me this) be like me biko fleeky eyebrows is not by force. For my guys- different cuts of suits for different body types. So if you must follow another persons path, use it as a GPS and reroute as needed. Your journey may be more tedious, longer or take different turns. Don't be so focused on making it an exact copy as the other person did so much that you miss out on your blessings as you navigate. Every story is different, unique!


In case we've met already now you know why I always just say I'm different lol (As a matter of fact I might have used weird) and if we haven't allow me to say I am very different. Nothing like you've ever encountered but worth every damn second.

When you're consistent on the blog..gotta dance.

                              I may not be the best 
                                            but I'm definitely not like the rest.

                                                             Peace&Love CeeTee

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16 comments on "Different"
  1. Funny as hell :). Nice article Crys.

    1. hahahaha my Ko! Thanks love and thanks for always reading :)

  2. Hahaha Tomdio. How are those ur chin chin toes? Nice write up. Everyone is Unique with xtics that differ from that of others.

    1. Hahahah Ance! Theyre still there oo. I keep eating the chinchin too lol. And yes I agree :) Thanks for stopping by! xx

  3. Really enriching.. U forgot u had /have nice lips.. Hope that didn't sound weird

    1. Lol Thank you! If you're gonna throw compliments I lowkey wanna know who you are anonymous! But thank you! Much appreciated. xx

  4. Nice one Crystal. Best sentence is" every story is unique and different".

  5. Love the deep bass👌

  6. But I'm about to steal that GPS phrase tho... watchout for my snapstory lol. As always na ya "cover beer" di win ohh my sister.

    1. Lmaoooo just add femmeetnoir for back! Amen ooo my sister!

  7. I actually enjoyed this very much. More than anything, I loved how you described the defining moment and pinpointed the time in your childhood when you realized you were different. Every one has a story and every story is different. Also I'm glad to see how much you embrace your uniqueness and love yourself for it; its a very attractive quality. There's nothing more beautiful than a woman that is in love with the skin she is in.

    1. Hey Friend! LOl! Thank you! Thank you! and Thank you so much for stopping by :)


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